
Welcome to the Over the Grill Gang Chefs' Club of Plymouth

About Us

Born out of our love of food and enjoyment of dining together, the Over the Grill Gang Chef's Club was formed.  Once a month, this group takes over the (otherwise closed to the public) kitchen and restaurant at Compari's, across from the Kellogg Park in downtown Plymouth, Michigan.  We cook a five-course meal from scratch.  Then we all sit down at one long table to stuff ourselves, toast our work, discuss recipes and the issues of the day.  And we laugh a lot, even while we're learning.

Over time, we decided to put our excellent cooking skills to good use, and raise funds for goods causes.  Our talents have been put up for auction at a variety of charity events with the highest bidder winning a visit to their home from some of our chefs to prepare a delicious dinner for ten.  This has been met with the most wonderful reception from the winners and their guests, and we enjoy preparing the meal as much as the people who are eating it in the homes we visit.

We have been happy to serve the Plymouth community since 2000.


Here's to a wonderful meal!

Contact Us

Drop us a line!

If you are interested in learning more about our charity dinner auctions, please contact us.

Over the Grill Gang Chef's Club